After using all possible apps to learn languages I can really promise you that this is best you can get! And I know what Im saying as I speak 2 languages fluent and 4 more on advanced level. I learned German and now learning French with babel. It still will never replace you teacher, you will never will start to speak using app, as to be able to speak you have few more problems - psychological block and motivation. If second some of you can fight, first needs teacher or at least some conversation club subscription, even chatting and skyping will never help you. Its just psychology and experience language thing. But its the only app which is not only gives you vocabulary, but also develops you writing skill and what is main-grammar and pronunciation and all this very well structured for each language. If I could possibly add smth to it is more "reminders" and repeating program. As everyone knows our "long memory" works only if we repeat material without difficulties of remembering 3 times: next day after learning, three days later and two weeks; so app is boosting your "short-term" memory, but wont give you such a guaranty of development your vocabulary if you wont do it yourself. This "refreshing test" option is not useful enough. Needs some real test each level, reminders with testing old material or more use of previously thought grammar and voc. Would be useful to use as well more actually connected with this culture and countries material. Cause you cant really learn language so separated from mentality and culture of this country. Needs more geographical and cultural connection, maybe some comments sometimes about regional dialects or specifics. In general I want to say big thank you and wish everyone great luck. Sorry for *somanywords*